Saturday, October 20, 2012

Why I am Pursuing a Doctorate of Ministry Degree

I serve as the director of Youth Evangelism for the Baptist General Convention of Texas.  In this role I have the wonderful privilege of overseeing a statewide student leadership training camp called Super Summer.  I oversee six weeklong sessions of Super Summer on four different Baptist Universities with approximately 4,000 participants each summer.  Also, I promote and oversee annual youth rallies held around the state, known as the Youth Evangelism Conference, Hot Hearts and Ignite.  Additionally, my family and I attend a small rural church near our home in Princeton, Texas, where I have recently begun preaching on a regular basis.  
I believe the relationship of the Doctor of Ministry Program to my current ministry will benefit me in three distinct areas.  First, I purposely did not choose a specialization because I desire to expand my knowledge in many different areas of ministry.  This is not because I don't desire to remain focused on my current role in youth ministry, but instead because I feel that having a broader exposure to ministry opens more doors and opportunities for growth.  After all, youth ministry involves many different aspects of growth and spiritual development, especially from the perspective of a statewide denominational position.  I believe this program can help expand my horizons in the various fields of ministry, assisting me as I influence other ministers and potential ministry students.  
Secondly, I have learned that I am a better person when I am being challenged to grow and learn.  I see my spiritual development as directly related to how much I am challenged educationally.  When I am learning, I am growing both in my ministry and in my personal development.
Thirdly, broadening my knowledge base and exposure to ideas can only serve to improve my ministry.  Education has a way of sparking new and creative ideas.  I believe the Doctorate of Ministry program can serve as a catalyst to help me see shortcomings in my current ministry setting as well as potential areas of growth.

Personal Growth Goals
First, I would like to more effectively develop my gifts.  God has given me an ability to teach and communicate His word, but I desire to become a better communicator.  It is very easy to allow a gift to grow stagnant and to become less effective.  Education, mentoring, and group interaction can help stimulate and challenge my gifts, while also strengthening areas of weakness.
I also want to be challenged as leader and minister of the Gospel.  I believe God has given me the ability to lead others.  However, leadership and team building is a skill that must be developed.  My goal is to become a more effective leader and team builder in my ministry setting.  In my current ministry I have the ability to influence many youth leaders and students.  I don’t take that position of influence lightly and I believe this program will only enhance my abilities to lead and effect positive change.   
I would also like to expand and approve my knowledge and awareness of ministry resources. I can be a better teacher, guide, mentor, and author of student curriculum if I have a greater knowledge in all areas and specializations of ministry and personal development.  I see my current role as a facilitator of resources and ideas; thus, the more exposure I have to new thoughts, creative methods, and services the better equipped I will be to do my job.
Because of these goals, I will be drawn to seminars that are focused on developing my communication abilities, leadership skills, and expanding my ministry horizons.  In this first trimester, I have enrolled in a team-building course for that very reason. I will also be interested in courses involving ministry to teenagers.  As one who oversees ministries directed to students I feel I have much to learn in that area of ministry. 

Listen the Podcast HERE