Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Making your teaching effective...

I'm preparing for a seminar I'm leading soon and thought I would share some of the points here:

  • Make an Impression:  What is the one thing you want the students to get?  Do everything, from illustrations, object lessons, and visual aids, to reinforce the main thing.  If they leave with one "take away" you have succeeded.  
  • Make it Applicable:  How will this change their lives?  What should the student DO with this information?  Help them apply the truth into their everyday lives.  Let them see it modeled in your own life.  If they do one thing as a result of this lesson, you have succeeded.
  • Make it Stick: If the first two steps don't seem to be working keep repeating them until you see change. Repetition is often necessary to get a truth to sink in and affect change.  Use new methods, illustrations and techniques as needed but stick to the same key point until it sticks.
  • Make it Theirs: Make it their message.  Give them opportunity to teach it, live it and experience it.  Be creative.                                                (adapted in part from "Think Orange" by Joiner pg. 150)

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