Monday, April 22, 2013

The adventure continues at Culleoka...

Just a few years ago when we moved to Princeton I was finishing an 18-month interim at The Oaks in Grand Prairie.  Through a neighbor I learned of an older struggling rural church just around the corner from our new home; Culleoka Baptist Church (CBC).  I agreed to preach for them for a few weeks as they sought to secure a pastor, but a few weeks turned into a few months and a few months turned into a few years…and oh what an adventure!  We have made some wonderful friends and seen God work in some amazing ways.  When we started I could not have ever imagined what was in store for us at this country congregation.  I have learned so much about depending on God and waiting on Him to provide for His Church...and now when I say "His Church" I really mean "HIS Church."

Upon beginning at CBC I discovered that they had been through a bad split and had not had a long-term pastor for quite sometime.  The first Sunday I preached there were about 15 adults, with the median age being around 65.  Without getting into too many details, there were some major trust issues, conflicting power struggles and serious financial woes.   The treasurer at that time estimated that they would have had to shut the doors and sell the building within a month or two if things did not turn around.

Considering my work demands, the pursuit of my DMin, and the time restraints of being a husband and father of four, the very idea of attempting to lead a fellowship through a turbulent time was unthinkable.  I suspect that is why things unfolded in the manner that they did.  Never did I sit down and decide, “I think I’m going to lead this church through this difficult time.”  I do not believe I would have ever taken that step because it would have been too much of a demand on my family.  However, I could commit to preach for the church when I was available.  So, that is all I agreed to do…and that is what I continue to do.

So, what about leading?!  Who is in charge?  Has anyone committed to “pastoring” the church and leading through this time?  Not really, no.  At least no one has officially stepped forward and said, “I will lead this church!”  Yet, the church has grown by 40%, renovated its dilapidated building, started a children’s and youth ministry, hired four part time ministers, a building manager and a nursery worker, started several ministries to reach the surrounding community, and there’s still money in the bank to do more ministry.  So, who did all that if there is no established leader?  God did.  He is the HEAD of this church and that is not just something we SAY, it is something we’ve SEEN.

He found us a great youth minister.  He found us a great children’s worker.  He sent us money. He gave us, not one but two, digital signs (free of charge).  He found us a nursery worker. He sent us great worship leaders.  He sent us workers with the vision for reaching our community.  He has done it all.  I know it wasn’t me.  I was too busy working at the BGCT, getting a doctorate and raising four kids.  Like everyone else at this church, I had to depend on God and what do you know!?  He is a better at leading His church than any of us!  Go figure!

Had I been confronted with the decision to help lead this church through a turn around I would have run the other way and God knew it.  He had to take whatever weak gifts I could bring to the table and teach me to trust Him with HIS Church.  What a journey.  I am really looking forward to seeing what else He has in store for this sweet and growing fellowship of believers in Culleoka Texas!

Listen the Podcast HERE